Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Quick question about professional fake nails?

Ok so i got my nails done professionally for the first time and i heard that it hurts when you take them off=/ and can mess up your nails..i was wondering if theres an easier way to take them off or if paying that extra money for them to take them off for you is worth it.

any advice is good! thanks!Quick question about professional fake nails?
Go to the salon and pay 5 dollars to take them off, never do them again! It messes up your nails right away! If you take them off yourself like with a metro card it will leave you with almost no layer of a nail and look horrible! Don't do it again even though they are pretty, grow them, file them(it makes them grow long) and paint them weekly, or paint them clear every 2 days. Take biotin vitamins it grows your hair and nails and good for skin. Then you can go waste money on fixing your nails and not messing them up.

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